What's on in Moorabool for Families?
Closing the Gap - 20th March, Town Hall, 4pm - 6.30pm
Harmony Day - 21st March, Lerderderg Library, 11am - 1pm
Ballan Autumn Festival - 23rd March, all day
Playgroup Week Event - 27th March, 10am - 12pm
Rural Living Expo - 11th - 13th April, Exhibition Buildings
Families Week -15th-22nd May
On Sunday 23rd March 2014: from 9am
Art Show
Photo Exhibition
Pet Show
Wood Chop
Vintage Machinery
Historical Society
Model Rail
Street StallsArt Show
Photo Exhibition
Pet Show
Wood Chop
Vintage Machinery
Historical Society
Model Rail
Ballan Commuter Art Exhibition
Back to the Seventies Kids Art Exhibition
There will also be free kids activities provided by Best Start and the Maternal and Child Health Service, so come along and have a fun day with the family.
We recommend you get onto the Parent Email list by contacting Moorabool Shire Council's Maternal and Child Health Service on 53667100. This is a great program for kids 0-5 years
and their mums, dads and carers.
Tickets are free by calling customer service on 5366 7100.
If you're not on the email list to receive the flyers, here is a snapshot of what's coming up.
Ballan, March 25, 10am - Yogabugs - yoga through stories ( tickets available now)
Bacchus Marsh, April 8, 10am and 11.15am- Indigenous Storytelling - Yarnstrongsista - stories and puppetry ( tickets available March 26)
Ballan, April 22, 10am- Storytelling- JB Rowley (tickets available March 26)
Dunnstown, May 12, 10am - Jon Madin and his homemade instruments (tickets available April 23)
Bacchus Marsh, May 13, 10am and 11.15am - Colour Me Music (tickets available April 23)
Ballan, May 27, 10am - Colour Me Music (tickets available April 23)
What’s in the popcorn you buy at the
movies? Jane
If you visit the website, www.fedup.com.au , you’ll
find lots of information about food additives such as artificial colours and
flavours. In particular, the website helps explain the effects additives have
on children’s health and behaviour. For example, you can look for frequently
asked questions, like the one below about movie theatre popcorn. It’s not all
it’s cracked (or popped!) up to be!
A. At Hoyts the
popcorn contains tartrazine (102). ...... Any
product containing this colour in Europe must carry a warning "may have an
adverse effect on activity and attention in children”. Regulators in Australia
say parents who want to avoid this additive can choose to read labels.
Or what about this email from a mother who removed the bread
preservative 282 from her daughter’s diet:
From [329] 282: Two years of underachieving with
calcium propionate (July 2004)
The introduction of preservative 282 in purchased
bread coincided with a decline in our daughter's abilities. Her bread intake
increased until she was eating about 8 or more slices/day and her performance
decreased until we were able to get very little work out of her as she was
unable to concentrate for more than about one minute at a time.
... I did further investigation on the net...the result was that we returned to using our bread maker after not having
used it for nearly two years. After about ten days, we had a different child.
She started concentrating! She finished in 10 minutes what she previously
couldn't finish in 4 hours. Her spelling started to improve as did her
handwriting. She also finally learned to ride a two-wheeled bike!
Breastfeeding clips to make you laugh, and make you think
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dw2XHMUnyE ( ruin your day...)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KiS8q_fifa0 (Embarrassed, by Holly McNish)
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